Wall refers to the protective fortifications around towns in a siege. Building a Fort adds walls around the town, and then a Castle strengthens them to fortified walls. Building a Citadel has no effect on walls - it only adds main Arrow Tower and Moat to fortifications. Town walls block the movement of ground walking creatures and hamper the attacks of ranged attackers by 50%. Walls can be damaged and destroyed with Catapults, Cannons (with HotA) or Earthquake spell. Additionally, cyclopes and cyclops kings have the special ability to attack walls during a siege.
On the battlefield walls fill up 11 hexes, and 6 of them are indestructible. Wall hexes are divided into:
W hexes: 6 indestructible segments
(1) hex: Upper Wall
(2) hex: Mid-Upper Wall
(3) hex: Mid-Lower Wall
(4) hex: Lower Wall
(D) hex: Drawbridge
Moat (if Citadel or Castle are built in the town) occupies 11 hexes (or 22 hexes in Fortress) to the left of the wall.
Destructible wall segments have 2 hitpoints (3 with Castle built), except Drawbridge which always has 2 hitpoints. During a siege hero forces can move onto destructible wall segments after destroying them.
如果吊桥被关闭,进攻方就不能进入 B 六角网格。但如果进攻方占据了上图中标记为 x 的六角网格,吊桥则不能打开,防御方也因此不能将生物移出城堡。如果在 x 六角网格上施放了Force field,或者上面有一个被杀死的生物,也同样适用。然而请注意,尽管有可能在 B 六角网格上施放Force field,但这并不能阻止吊桥的开启。
The drawbridge has always 2 hitpoints but it's usually more resilient than other wall segments, because it's more difficult to intentionally target it (compare Ballistics).
A legion of Wolf Raiders standing on the open drawbridge