
Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2023年7月6日 (四) 22:15的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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M Angel Feather Arrows
M Arms of Legion
t Badge of Courage
t Bird of Perception
t Bow of Elven Cherrywood
C Bow of the Sharpshooter
m Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane
t Cards of Prophecy
t Charm of Mana
t Clover of Fortune
C Cornucopia
t Crest of Valor
C Elixir of Life
m Emblem of Cognizance
M Endless Bag of Gold
M Endless Purse of Gold
R Endless Sack of Gold
M Everpouring Vial of Mercury
t Glyph of Gallantry
M Golden Bow
M Head of Legion
t Hourglass of the Evil Hour
m Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber
m Inexhaustible Cart of Ore
t Ladybird of Luck
t Legs of Legion
m Loins of Legion
t Mystic Orb of Mana
M Orb of Driving Rain
R Orb of Inhibition
M Orb of Silt
M Orb of Tempestuous Fire
M Orb of the Firmament
R Orb of Vulnerability
M Shackles of War
t Speculum
M Sphere of Permanence
t Spirit of Oppression
t Spyglass
C Statue of Legion
t Stoic Watchman
t Talisman of Mana
R Tome of Air
R Tome of Earth
R Tome of Fire
R Tome of Water
m Torso of Legion
R Vial of Dragon BloodArmageddon's Blade
M Vial of Lifeblood
C Wizard's Well
m Charm of Eclipse Horn of the Abyss
t Demon's Horseshoe Horn of the Abyss
C Golden Goose Horn of the Abyss
m Hideous Mask Horn of the Abyss
R Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
t Runes of Imminency Horn of the Abyss
m Shaman's Puppet Horn of the Abyss
Speculum Class: treasure
Slot: misc
Cost: 1000 Gold
效果: The Speculum increases hero's scouting radius by +1.
Speculum artifact.gif A merchant from far away lands trades you a new invention of his people for traveling supplies. It makes distant objects appear closer, and he calls it... a Speculum.

Speculum是一件treasure等级的宝物,它装备在misc槽位中。 It increases hero's scouting radius by +1. Speculum is one of the two scouting artifacts, the other being spyglass.

Related artifacts

See also: