Heroes Chronicles/Hc1Prev

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Heroes Chronicles

�   ��   Warlords of the Wastelandà  Before Tarnum became the Immortal Hero, he was a Barbarian who threw off the shackles of his Wizard masters and returned his people to their former greatness.  This is his tale, and his downfall.�"�   Preview Warlords.h3m	'    �      �                                     ����f W 
 ��Ð�  �   �$    �   Preview��  The Wizard-Kings conquered and enslaved Tarnum's people long ago, but before Tarnum can raise a Horde to stand up against them, he must become king.  Don't lose Tarnum as you fight the present Clanlord, Rabak, a ruler who cares nothing for the Barbarian race.�          ÿ      �  @  � �
�  bÿ�   Rabak �   a    b�   Rabakc       c  o  ÿ        r  d  ÿ           P  ÿ     ��  @  � ���  f£�   Tarnum �   f�   Tarnum         ÿ        x  P  ÿ     ÿ��              ±ÿ_�                                        €i�¦ÿ?Àu€ÿÇ� à�ˆþ�À� �€    ¡Ù'�                                                                                                                                                                �>     �8     �2     �3     �4     �3     �7     �:     �6     �5     �4     �7     �6     �3     �6     �9     �1     �8     �;     �6     �1     �4     �8     �6     �=     �1     �4     �E     �D     �5     �:     �4     �6     �C     �3     �1     �3     �B     �2     �2     �1     �D     �6     �6     �2     �8     �D     �5     �4     �8     �:     �3     �8     �4     �5     �A     �4     �5     �4     �3     �1     �3     �;     �3     �5     �8     �1     �5     �2     �2     �2     �1     �=     �5     �E     �4     �8     �7     �7     �G     �8     �2     �F     �6     �7     �5     �?     �2     �4     �<     �1     �8     �6     �3     �8     �H     �5     �7     �3     �?     �9     �5     �6     �=     �8     �1     �8     �8     �5     �8     �>     �7     �4     �6     �>     �8     �?     �1     �E     �2     �3     �4     �2     �3     �D     �6     �9     �4     �5     �8     �A     �8     �@     �2     �F     �8     �4     �?     �7     �2     �B     �D     �1     �6     �8     �=     �2     �7     �6  �� �@     �7     �8     �4     �7     �7     �5     �1     �3     �6     �5     �5     �D     �3     �?     �8     �B     �2     �:     �1     �7     �C     �3     �8     �2     �8     �2     �4     �5     �C     �5     �>     �8     �>     �4     �D  �
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� �         � �        �� �        çÙ²ú�   �É À�                          	   �   The Old Bardy�  An old man staggers up to you, frightening off some of your sheep, and stumbles right into your arms.  That's when you notice an arrow in the elder's back.  He's weak from loss of blood, but when he clutches your hand you can't pull away.

He tells you he's a bard, one of the last of his kind.  It's hard to believe, considering your people's oral historians were outlawed by the Empire of Bracaduun long ago because their heroic tales often spurred the Barbarian clans into rebellion. 

Before dying, the bard gathers his strength to tell you his last story - a true history of your people that the Wizard-Kings have tried to hide.                            ý�                                             �   Jarg's Hordeü�  Your people weren't always the slaves of the Empire of Bracaduun.  Long ago, one of the ancestors of your own clan, a great warrior named Jarg, formed a massive Horde and conquered all the lands from ocean to ocean - including Bracaduun.

Your heart begins to race as you hear the tale.  It's like the games you used to play when you were a kid, hiding out here in the wilderness away from prying eyes.  With a stick for a sword, you stood up to the evil Wizards.  But when you grew up, you dismissed those games as a child's fantasy.

But it happened.  It really happened!

And as you picture your present clan leaders, you can't imagine any of those drunken, pot-bellied fools leading an army, much less winning a battle.  What happened to your people's courage?                            ý�                                             �   Looking for a LeaderJ�  Your name is on everyone's lips these days.  Some say you're a troublemaker that is going to bring down the wrath of Bracaduun.  Others wait to see if you have the strength to back up your words of conquest.  You've heard that many secretly cheer you on, but there is still one obstacle in your way.  Rabak, the Lord of the Clans.                            ý� 
                                           �   A Giftú�  During a moment of weakness when you feel like no one but you cares about restoring the glory of your people, your father sneaks into camp late one night with a group of farmers and cattlemen.  They say that they're impressed with your success thus far, but like many they have families to take care of and can't pick up a sword like they wish.  Instead, they offer you a gift, the result of a collection taken up by your secret supporters.

"This is the best we can do," they say.  It's a start, at least.�                       è�  ý� �                                           �   Rabakª�  Word of your victories is spreading like wildfire, and as your scouts return from every corner of your homeland you learn that the other clans remain quiet and neutral.  They neither support you nor speak against you, except for one.

The current Lord of the Clans, Rabak, was appointed by the Wizards as a spokesman for your people, but you've never heard Rabak say a bad word about Bracaduun.  He sits in his Stronghold eating a feast each night while you recall many nights when your family went hungry because you had to clear out your stores to pay the taxes.

Rabak won't sit idle while you anger the Wizards.  You're certain the two of you will soon meet, and not as friends.                            ý� �                                           �   Rabak's DemandV�  One of your captains informs you that a messenger from Clanlord Rabak has just arrived.  What could the man possibly have to say?  He's certainly not going to join your cause.  Probably some empty threat.

"Tell the messenger," you say, "unless he's bringing me Rabak's unconditional surrender, that I'll see the Clanlord on the battlefield!"                            ý� 
                                           �   New Clan Chief��  You thought your people would be as excited about Jarg's victories as you were, but the chief of your clan just laughs at the tale of Jarg and his mighty Horde.

"A child's tale!" he calls it.  "Told by a child."

Your blood boils as the other men join in his laughter.  It's not a fantasy!  It's true!

"What do you know, you fat Goblin!" you shout.

Your words can't be taken back, but neither do you want to.  Even knowing that the other man is larger and more experienced than you, you still don't back down as the chief challenges you to a duel.  Jarg wouldn't back down.

And like Jarg you find a way to win despite the odds, using your speed and a strength fuelled by a rage you never knew you possessed.  Stunned, the warriors of your clan declare their loyalty to you, their new chief.                            ý� �                                           �   A call for bards?�  Sitting alone last night, your pondered the tragic loss of your people's history.  You haven't been able to find a single person who knows the tale of Jarg and his Horde.  Some, pretending to be wise, made up some ridiculous story instead of admit ignorance.

Then a solution comes to mind.  You tell your people to pass the word that you are looking for bards.  Any who are brave enough to step from hiding will be under your protection.  If your people are ever going to reclaim their courage, they need to rediscover their identity.  And only the bards hold those secrets.                            ý� �                                           �   Tell me a story”�  "What do you know of our history?" you ask the older warrior sitting across from you at dinner.

You've been asking your elders what they know of Barbarian history, hoping that someone could tell you more about the past glories of your people, but you've found their knowledge lacking.  Most haven't even heard the name of Jarg.

The warrior looks up from his meal, shrugs.

"As much as anyone.  My grandfather said we used to be a great nation - the greatest - but he didn't have all his wits.  Maybe it's true, but no more.  Everything falls, I guess.  Even a great oak - a thousand years old - will fall one day."

You're impressed with the man's honest response, but annoyed that this veteran couldn't tell you more.  How do you know who you are if you don't know where you came from?  Is that why the Wizards outlawed the bards?

You extend your hand and ask, "What's your name?"

"Hardac," answers the warrior.                            ý� �                                           ÿ   �	 �        ÿ   �� �        ÿ   �� �        �# �        �� �        
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        ÿ   �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        ��          �� !        ��V 2 ÿÿÿÿ¿   Ah, I knew you'd be coming.  If it's King you want to be, you'll be needing a sturdy weapon at your side.  I'll give you one, but first you need to bring me 50 Wolf Riders to protect my home.U   No luck in finding the 50 Wolf Riders?  Guess you don't want to be King that bad, eh?O   At last, the 50 Wolf Riders to keep me safe!  Here is your payment.  Good luck!�
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 ]                 �� n         �� Z                 	� Z                 �  [                 �� [                 �	 o        1^üÄ  �      � \        �� \        �� p        �Ñ   You were enjoying the sea wind in your hair until most of the sailors strip off their sashes and draw their weapons.

"Rabak has placed a hefty sum on your head," says their leader, "a sum we plan to collect!"� �  �  � ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ                                                            ý �    "� p        �ò   An ornate arch stands before you sparkling with magic.  You've heard the Wizard-Kings sometimes use these to travel great distances in a single step.  Although you distrust magic, a little lightshow isn't going to frighten you from your path.                                                           ý �    #� f        #� \         � ]                 �
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 ~        !� M        !� <        �� O        �� /        ÿ   �� [                 �� [                 �� [                 �� �        �±ÔÆ�f��   Tarnum �£    ÿ�¶   Tarnum is a young Barbarian who has spent his entire life under the oppression of the Wizard-Kings of Bracaduun, but he's always dreamed that life could be better - should be better.ÿ                  �� ’        �� “        �� ƒ        �  ”        �  ~        �� •        �� –        ôÙ²ú  �     	  —        �  <        �� ˜        
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