{{R|'''传闻'''|Rumors}}是每个城镇[[酒馆]]的酒保提供的提示。地图制作者可以为地图创建自定义的传闻。如果没有可用的自定义传闻,将显示内置的165条传闻之一。传闻对所有城镇和所有玩家都是相同的。传闻会在每周开始时改变。 ==内置的传闻列表== #黑龙可能比泰坦巨人要强一些,但比起天使长可就略逊一筹。 #一位智者曾说过:“不要同任何人分享你的智慧。” #红天鹅在小湖中戏水。 #血浓于水。 #虽然小恶魔和魔童很弱小,但是数量众多。 #坚信自己是对的。 #黑暗天幕可以用来避开敌人。 #去找神器,它的威力超出想象。 #找个优秀的绘图师,尽管他的地图昂贵,但物有所值。 #小心克里根人。 #在战斗中要注意保护你的远程攻击部队。 #不要打没有把握的仗。 #对弱小的敌人勿须手下留情。 #有志者事竟成。 #一个魔法师最近发现了一种可以让整支军队飞起来的魔法。 #混沌多头怪是地下领主最好的伙伴。 #据说远古比蒙威猛无比。 #不要参与埃拉西亚的陆上战争。 #虽说洞穴人没有眼睛,但他们仍能看清一切。 #不要忽视地道入口,以防敌人偷袭。 #只有绿龙和金龙是友好的,赤龙和黑龙效力于尼根,而骨龙和幽龙则是巫师制造出来的邪恶生物。 #今天是昨天的明天。 #一个旅行者告诉我,恩洛斯的艾恩法斯特已经失去了天堂之令。 #一旦你精通了某种魔法派系,许多原先只能作用于一支部队的魔法现在就能作用于所有的部队了。 #在沙漠中旅行时要寻找绿洲,它能加快你的行程。 #去寻找散落于各处的智慧石,虽然你只能从一块智慧石上得到一次启迪,但会获益匪浅。 #人多力量大。 #切记黑龙不怕任何魔法,只有屠戮魔法才能对它造成伤害。 #加速魔法和迟缓魔法在战斗中极其有用。 #掌握御火魔法之后再与火元素作战。 #掌握御水魔法之后再与水元素作战。 #掌握御气魔法之后再与气元素作战。 #掌握御土魔法之后再与土元素作战。 #只要付一定的学费,学院就可以教你任何东西。 #城堡城中最强的生物是天使长。 #壁垒城中最强的生物是金龙。 #塔楼城中最强的生物是泰坦巨人。 #地狱城中最强的生物是大恶魔。 #墓园城中最强的生物是幽龙。 #地下城中最强的生物是黑龙。 #据点城中最强的生物是远古比蒙。 #要塞城中最强的生物是混沌多头怪。 #只要掌握相应的魔法,你就可以摧毁船只以免被敌人利用。 #我的烤鳗鱼味道最好。你不喜欢?那么来点飞马肉饼怎么样? #唉,因为人们都和你一样不大来这里和我分享消息,所以现在我已经没什么最新消息可以告诉你了。 #每年的这个时候凡里的水域都会结冰。 #凡里是一个不与外界交往的民族。 #我听说凡里的精灵皮肤雪白。 #你知道吗,埃里的精灵都来自于凡里? #拥有大本营的城镇比拥有堡垒的城镇更能吸引部队加入你的阵营。 #我听说可以在塔楼城交换宝物。 #你知道可以在据点城交换生物吗? #我听说英雄可以穿梭于地狱城之间。 #盗贼公会对每个人都很友好,但同时他们也损害了所有人的利益。 #拥有兄弟会的城堡城更容易在攻城战中取胜。 #我听说城堡城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座巨大的巨神像以示尊敬。 #我听说壁垒城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座巨大的守护之灵以示尊敬。 #我听说塔楼城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一艘巨大的飞船以示尊敬。 #我听说地狱城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座火神像以示尊敬。 #我听说墓园城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座灵魂监牢以示尊敬。 #我听说地下城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座大地守护神像以示尊敬。 #我听说据点城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄建造一座斗士碑以示尊敬。 #我听说要塞城的居民会为给他们带回神器的英雄种植一种硕大的噬人花以示尊敬。 #埃拉西亚的马匹是跑的最快的。 #埃拉西亚的重弩手可以一次射两箭。 #皇家狮鹫凶猛无比。 #埃拉西亚的十字军可以一次攻击两下。 #你听说过没有,狂信徒拥有超自然的能量。 #让你的冠军骑士冲向敌人。 #天使是恶魔的死敌。 #天使长能让同伴复活。 #据说天使长能激励部队的士气,但不包括丧尸。 #矮人具有抵抗魔法的能力。 #听说埃里的大精灵比埃拉西亚的重弩手强。 #飞马可是施法者的克星。 #枯木卫士能用树根缠住敌人。 #如果你想躲过魔法的攻击,就站在独角兽边上吧。 #虽说绿龙比金龙差些,但仍能抵御大多数魔法。 #虽说金龙比绿龙强一些,但其魔法抵抗力仍不及黑龙。 #魔童能将敌军施法者消耗的魔法值送给自己的英雄。 #玛各能投掷爆炸性的火球。 #地狱三首犬的攻击让敌人毫无还手之力。 #深渊领主能让死去的同伴变成魔鬼。 #火怪不怕火系魔法。 #火怪是神怪的死敌。 #火怪苏丹有火焰护盾。 #恶魔会带来恶运。 #恶魔能瞬间移动。 #恶魔的攻击让敌人毫无还手之力。 #恶魔是天使的死敌。 #僵尸能让敌人重病缠身。 #幽灵与阴魂非常可怕,如果你不能一招杀死他们,他们就能完全恢复生命值。 #阴魂能吸取敌人的魔法值。 #我听说恩洛斯的鬼魂比埃拉西亚的幽灵和阴魂要危险得多。 #在战场上,先下手为强。 #在战场上,速度即是生命。 #吸血鬼王能利用敌人的鲜血复活。 #吸血鬼的攻击让敌人毫无还手之力。 #尸巫的攻击只会伤害非丧尸生物。 #暗黑骑士能诅咒敌人。 #恐怖骑士会发出致命一击。 #在战场上,骨龙与幽龙会让敌人不寒而栗。 #幽龙会让敌人衰老。 #石魔像和铁魔像没有自己的思想。 #石魔像和铁魔像是利用特殊魔法活化而成的。 #石魔像和铁魔像的魔法抵抗力较强。 #传说法师和大法师可以提高英雄的魔法能力。 #大法师善长使用魔法。 #神怪是火怪的死敌。 #神怪主的魔法能力不逊于任何一位英雄。 #那迦的攻击让敌人毫无还手之力。 #那迦擅长剑术。 #只有天使和大天使的剑术才比那迦高。 #许多人低估了巨人和泰坦巨人的智力,但实际上他们不会受到心智魔法的影响。 #泰坦巨人是黑龙的死敌。 #恶狼掠者每次能攻击敌人两下。 #食人魔法师极其可怕,能在同伴身上使用嗜血魔法。 #雷鸟能用闪电攻击。 #如果你想攻城的话,最好带上几个独眼巨人,他们的投石本领远比投石车要好。 #在比蒙的攻击下很少有人幸存,据说敌人在他们面前防御力会下降。 #洞穴人不可能变瞎,因为他们没有眼睛。 #鹰身女妖在飞扑攻击之后能返回原来的位置。 #鹰身女巫的攻击不会遭到对手的反击。 #面对敌人眼怪镇定自若。 #许多人害怕美杜莎的石化攻击,但她们的金箭威力更大。 #牛头怪的士气非常高昂。 #据说毒蝎狮的毒液能麻痹敌人。 #没有什么魔法能伤害黑龙。 #传说弱点之球能击败强大的黑龙。 #黑龙是泰坦巨人的死敌。 #龙蝇能驱除敌人身上的有益魔法。 #戈耳工能用它的死神之眼杀死敌人。 #小心飞龙王的毒液。 #多头怪的攻击让敌人毫无还手之力。 #如果你想迅速学到许多东西,去地下城的战术学院。 #据说妖术师会制造使魔法值加倍的魔力漩涡。 #通过召唤之门,在地下城可以招募地上的生物。 #要塞城建造血塔以提高守军的攻击力。 #在战神之栏待一天,你会发现防御力提高了。 #地狱城的硫云风暴能提高英雄的力量值。 #据说地狱城之间用城堡大门相连。 #拜访地狱城的火焰序列可以提高力量值。 #黑暗天幕可以用来躲开敌人。 #墓园城的骷髅转换场可以将其他生物变成骷髅兵。 #据说墓园城的招魂增幅器能提高巫师的招魂术。 #魔幻池比宝石矿更神奇,能提供各种资源。 #壁垒城用幸运泉来提高守军的幸运值。 #矮人宝屋藏有财宝。 #据点城建造了遁逸之路以便不时之需。 #据点城的英烈祠可提高英雄的攻击力。 #塔楼城的智慧墙可增加知识。 #在被诅咒的大地上,人人平等。 #在魔法平原上人人都善长魔法。 #他们说海蛇从深渊中被唤醒并且出现在陆地上。他们用自己的方式毁坏一切事物。 #深渊海蛇是港口族最强大的生物。 #一个海盗试图让我相信他知道一个神秘的火药配方,只需要一丁点火花就可以让巨大的炮弹飞跃出去 #他们说盗贼公会也在和海盗们合作。 #据说启明星最佳的观测地点是海盗的城堡。 #鱼人有很出色的装甲。 #海盗不是海贼的最高等级。 #黑帆船是在港口船坞被发现的,它们在那里进行贸易。 #在海底深渊里,可以发现神秘的号角,它会给予你无穷的力量。 #只有绿龙和金龙是友好的,赤龙和黑龙效力于尼根,而骨龙和鬼龙则是巫师制造出来的邪恶生物。 #让你的骑士冲向敌人。 #深渊领主能让死去的同伴变成恶鬼。 <!-- == List of built-in rumors == # Nothing hits the spot quite like my famous Baked Erathian Eel. No? Well how about some Pegasus Pot Pie? # Erathian Marksmen can shoot two arrows in the time a normal Archer could shoot one. # Giffins trained in the royal courts are ferocious defenders. # Erathian Crusaders can strike two blows in the time a normal Swordsman could strike once. # Have you heard? Zealots are beings of pure energy. # Let your Champions run their enemies through. You will like the results. Farther is better. # Angels fight more ferociously when striking a Devil. # It is said an Angel will brighten the morale of any army, except the dead. # In the heat of battle, I have seen Archangels resurrect fallen comrades. # I once saw a Dwarf resist a spell cast upon him. # It is said the Grand Elven Archers of AvLee can best Erathian Marksmen. # It is said a Pegasus will make an enemy spell caster work harder. # Roots of the Dendroids will bind their enemies in place. # If you want to protect yourself from spells, stand next to a Unicorn. # Though not as immune as Gold Dragons, Green Dragons resist most spells. # Gold Dragons resist more spells than Green, but not as much as Black. # What the imps and familiars lack in strength, they make up for in numbers. # Familiars will drain mana from any spells you cast, and give it to their general. # Magogs throw exploding balls of fire, burning everything around their target. # It is impossible to retaliate against the vicious attack of a three-headed Cerberus. # Once I saw a Pit Lord resurrect Demons from fallen allies. # Being from the Plane of Fire, Efreet are unaffected by spells of Fire Magic. # Efreet strike with extra furor when attacking Genies. # Efreet Sultans are naturally protected by a shield of fire. # Good luck is not to be had in the presence of Devils. # When a Devil travels, it journeys to its plane before returning to our world. # It is impossible to retaliate against the swiping scythe of a Devil. # When attacking an Angel, Devils strike with tremendous anger. # Beware the touch of the Zombies. You may find yourself with disease. # Wights and Wraiths are foul spirits. If you do not kill one with the first blow, it will heal itself whole. # Wraiths subsist on magic energies. Mana disappears in their presence. # I have heard the Ghosts of Enroth are far more dangerous than the Wights and Wraiths of Erathia. # It is impossible to retaliate in the face of a Vampire's fearsome assault. # I have seen dying Vampire Lords reborn in the blood of fallen enemies. # A Lich's attack shreds the living while leaving the dead unscathed. # A strike from a Black Knight can curse an enemy. # Dread Knights are powerful warriors able to cut down their enemies with a powerful death blow. # On the battlefield, Bone and Ghost Dragons strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. # Ghost Dragons thirst of the vitality of the young. Beware, you may find yourself old. # Golems do not have a mind of their own. # Golems are animated through magic means unknown to most men. # Because of their animated nature, Golems endure the punishment of spells longer than most. # It is said Magi and Arch Magi assist heroes in casting their spells. # Arch Magi throw magic with the precision greater than most archers. # Efreet are the natural enemies of Genies. # Genies strike Efreet with a hatred I have rarely seen. # Master Genies can cast spells as well as any hero. # Under the four- and six-armed attack of a Naga, no one can hope to retaliate. # A Naga's attack is an exercise in precise swordsmanship. # Only the Angel and Archangel can best a Naga in swordsmanship. # Most underestimate the intelligence of Giants and Titans. Their minds cannot be possessed. # Titans will strike Black Dragons with more ferocity than any other enemy. # Wolf Raiders are quick creatures. They'll hit you twice before you can get your shield up. # Ogre Magi are terrifying monsters. They stir a bloodlust in their allies I have never seen before. # The attack of a Thunderbird is said to bring lightning from the sky. # If you want to conquer a town, bring along several Cyclopes. Their boulder throwing skills bring town walls faster than any catapult. # Few have lived from the assault of a Behemoth. Some say there is no defense against them. # It is said that no defense can stand up to the attack of an Ancient Behemoth. # Troglodytes have no eyes, but they can still see. # Because Troglodytes have no eyes, they cannot be blinded. # Many armies have fallen under the swooping attacks of Harpies, without causing a single casualty. # Beholders are the most confident creatures. Even when surrounded, they do not loose their composure. # Many fear the petrifying attack of the Medusa. You should fear more their golden arrows. # Even against overwhelming odds, the Minotaur revels in the bloodlust of combat. # It is said the powerful venom of the Scorpicore could paralyze a golem. # Not a spell in the world could harm the Black Dragon. # Remember that the black dragon is immune to all spells - only a Slayer can bring additional harm to it. # It is said the Orb of Vulnerability can humble the mighty Black Dragon. # When in battle, it is said Black Dragons seek out Titans. # Few understand how, but the Dragon Fly can extinguish spells. # Little is known of the Mighty Gorgon. I once heard to look into its eyes was instant death. # Beware the poison of the Wyvern Monarch. It will rob you of health faster than the beast can fly. # It is impossible to retaliate in the onslaught of the many headed Hydra. # The Black Dragon may be stronger than a Titan, but not even a Titan could defeat an Archangel without help. # Only the [[Green Dragon and Gold Dragon|Green and Gold Dragons]] are good. [[Red Dragon and Black Dragon|Red and Black Dragons]] serve Nighon, and [[Bone Dragon and Ghost Dragon|Bone and Ghost Dragons]] are the vile creations of the Necromancers. # Archangels are the most powerful creature of the Castles. # Gold Dragons are the most powerful creature of the Ramparts. # Titans are the most powerful creature of the Towers. # Arch Devils are the most powerful creature of the Infernos. # Ghost Dragons are the most powerful creature of the Necropolis. # Black Dragons are the most powerful creature of the Dungeons. # Ancient Behemoths are the most powerful creature of the Strongholds. # Chaos Hydras are the most powerful creature of the Fortresses. # On the battlefield, the troop who strikes first, wins most often. # On the battlefield, speed is life, life is speed. # The scarlet swan swims in a small lake. # Find the Grail - it is more powerful than you can imagine. # Find a good cartographer. Though his maps may cost more, they are extremely accurate. # Beware [[Kreegan|Kreegans]] bearing gifts. # A wizard recently discovered a spell that will make a whole ARMY fly! # Chaos is an Overlord's best friend. # Never get involved in a land war in Erathia. # Never ignore a subterranean gate, lest you allow an enemy to approach unseen. # A traveler told me that the Ironfists of Enroth have lost the mandate of heaven. # Once you've mastered a school of magic, most spells affecting only one unit will now effect all your allies or all your enemies - and sometimes both! # When travelling across the desert, seek out an oasis, for it will speed your journey. # Seek out the learning stones that are scattered about the land. You can only learn from each one once, but you learn much. # There is safety in numbers, especially if those numbers are in the thousands! # The Haste and Slow spells can be powerful allies in combat, especially at higher levels of proficiency. # Fight Fire with Protection from Fire. # Water can do little harm to those who have mastered it. # Air can do little harm to those who have mastered it. # Earth can do little harm to those who have mastered it. # The university can teach you anything... for the right price. # With the right spell, you can [[Scuttle Boat|scuttle]] your boats to prevent your enemies from using them. It makes for a one way trip, but that's what [[Summon Boat]] is for! # Towns with a Citadel attract more troops than a town with a Fort. # I have heard the Towers trade in artifacts. # Do you know the Strongholds trade in creatures? # I have heard heroes could travel between Infernos without moving. # The Thieves' Guild is friend to everyone and no one. # Any Castle under the guard of the Brotherhood of the Sword stands a better chance in siege combat. # I've heard the residents of the Castles will construct a giant Colossus to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Ramparts will construct a Spirit Guardian to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Towers will construct a great Skyship to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Infernos will summon a Deity of Fire to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Necropolis will construct a Soul Prison to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Dungeons will summon a Guardian of Earth to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Strongholds will construct a Warlords' Monument to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # I've heard the residents of the Fortresses will grow a great Carnivorous Plant to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. # Erathian horses are the swiftest in the land. # If you want to learn quickly, visit a Battle Scholars' Academy in a Dungeon. # It is believed the Warlocks are able to create a Mana Vortex capable of doubling their mana capacity. # With the Portal of Summoning, the Dungeon can recruit creatures from the surface. # Fortresses construct the Blood Obelisk to increase the ferocity of their town defenders. # After a day in the Cage of Warlords, you will know how to better defend yourself. # When invading an Inferno, you will see Brimstone Stormclouds. Beware, their spell casters feed on its power. # It is said Infernos are linked through dimensional portals. Simple folk call them Castle Gates. # If your heroes desire more power, visit the Order of Fire in an Inferno. # A Cover of Darkness blankets all under the reign of the Necromancers. # It is believed prisoners of war are led to a Necropolis to be flayed into Skeletons for the undead hordes of the Necromancer and Death Knight. # Some believe each Necropolis builds a 'Necromancy Amplifier' to help its heroes raise the dead. # More rare than the Gem Pond is the Mystic Pond. You never know what precious resources you will find. # Ramparts create Fountains of Fortune to imbue its defenders with amazing luck. # If you desire money, store it at the Dwarven Treasury in a Rampart. # Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors. # If you want to know more, visit the glyphic Wall of Knowledge in a Tower. # On cursed ground, no one has the advantage. # On the magic plains, even the common man can cast spells like the greatest wizard. # A wise man once said, "Don't share your wisdom with anybody." # Blood is thicker than water. # To thine own self be true. # Attack where your enemy is weak. # Always protect your missile troops in combat. # Sometimes the best way to avoid defeat is by avoiding combat! # Today is yesterday's tomorrow. # At this time of year, the waters around the elvish island of Vori freeze. # I've heard the elves of Vori have snow white skin. # Did you know the elves of AvLee are descended from the elves of Vori? # Hey, I'm all out of rumors, because people like YOU don't come here enough to share them with me! # Did you ever hear the one about the frog who dreamed of being a king... and then became one? --> [[Category: Features]] __NOTOC__{{keywords}}