英雄可以在任何自己的回合行動時從戰鬥中撤退Retreat。如果有Tactics Phase,他也可以在戰鬥開始前的Tactics Phase撤退。如果英雄正在攻城或守城中(有Escape Tunnel據點除外)或與佩戴着戰爭枷鎖的敵方英雄作戰,則玩家無法撤退。撤退的英雄將重出現在酒館中,可以立即重新招募,這會保留所有寶物但失去全部軍隊。

注意: 無論你的英雄給對手造成了多嚴重的損失,只要你從戰鬥中逃跑,就不會在該場戰鬥中獲得任何經驗值



Retreating (or surrendering) is a good idea:

  • When defeat is imminent.
  • As a means to travel to a distant town, to be re-recruited there.
  • To preserve artifacts which will otherwise fall into an enemy hero's hands.
  • To preserve a powerful hero with strong stats, spells, or high level.

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