
Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2023年7月6日 (四) 21:55的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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Death Knights
Charna Charna
Clavius Clavius
Galthran Galthran
Isra Isra
Moandor Moandor
Straker Straker
Tamika Tamika
Vokial Vokial
Lord Haart Lord Haart Armageddon's Blade
Ranloo Ranloo Horn of the Abyss
Aislinn Aislinn
Nagash Nagash
Nimbus Nimbus
Sandro Sandro
Septienna Septienna
Thant Thant
Vidomina Vidomina
Xsi Xsi
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Nimbus(Nimbus) - 巫师
Nimbus 类型: 巫师
性别: 男性
种族: Human

When Nimbus was a child, he had a small dog that eventually died of old age. Nimbus discovered that by sacrificing a small bird or other creature, he could resurrect his pet, a feat which he repeated each time the dog died. Little did he realize that he was already exploring the beginnings of Necromancy.

英雄特长 Eagle Eye
Specialty Eagle Eye Receives a 5% per level bonus to Eagle Eye skill percentage.
Attack 1 Defense 0 Spell Power 2 Knowledge 2
Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy
Basic Eagle Eye  Basic Eagle Eye
Skeleton Skeleton 20–30 总是拥有
Walking Dead Walking Dead 4–6 88%(总是拥有 Horn of the Abyss
Wight Wight 4–6 25%(总是拥有 Horn of the Abyss
Shield Shield
最小值 最大值 深渊号角 Horn of the Abyss
1500 1560 1500

Nimbus - 巫师是一位来自墓园英雄。他开局时携带魔法书及技能Shield

See also: